Grades K-12
Cost: Contact us for a quote
Run time: approx. 45 minutes/session, multiple sessions
Space requirements: Flexible
Available: Year-Round
We create high impact, custom-designed programs to meet both the artistic and curricular objectives of many schools. In sessions ranging from 5 to 32 visits, our teaching artists lead the students through the artistic process. Emily Mattina, who is honored to be listed on the Connecticut teaching artist registry, developed the Shakesperience Approach used in these programs, resulting in rigorous, stimulating, artistically educating experiences.
Residency Program Goals & ResultsSome of the residency programs listed below have, in state studies, shown a positive effect on standardized testing scores in as few as 10 sessions.
All curricula are created through collaboration with teachers and are aligned to the Common Core State Standards and the National Core Arts Standards.
Listed below are some recent examples of our work. Don't see a specific title or focus below? We'll create performing arts and STEAM education programs to meet your objectives, so see our Custom Programs and Interactive Workshops, below, or contact us.
Theatre Arts
Shakespeare on Stage (All Grade Levels)
Our highly trained resident artists adapt your favorite Shakespeare classic and direct your students in its performance. Each adaptation is infused with exciting concepts, professional and visceral text work, and warm-up exercises that teach through exciting the multiple intelligences of students.
• A Midsummer Night's Dream
• Romeo & Juliet
• Julius Caesar
• Macbeth
• Much Ado About Nothing
• The Four Great Comedies
English Language Arts
Playwriting (All Grade Levels)
Pick a social studies topic or a piece of literature. We conduct a creative writing and theatrical improvisation and rehearsal process to create a performance that is completely developed and performed by the students.
Ploem (All Grade Levels)
Perfect to meet the challenges of rehearsing or performing with early readers, large groups, or time constraints, we adapt poems into plays by applying movement, vocal, and choral work to mold a performance unlike anything you've ever experienced.
Folklore (Grades 1-3)
With scripts based on well-known folklore, this program uses familiar stories to highlight various literary devices in action. Past titles include:
• The Emperor and the Kite
• The Hare and the Tortoise
• Juan Bobo and the Pot
• Paul Bunyan
Social Studies
Neighborhoods Interactive: Our City, Our Neighborhoods (All Grade Levels)
Drawing on a city’s unique history, students discover how the past has shaped our present and become inspired to help create a stronger future. This program uses many art forms such as visual art, music, and dance as well as drama to create multiple points of entry for each student. Past cities include:
• Waterbury
• Hartford
• New Britain
Civics in Action (Grades 1-5)
Students explore aspects of government through performance. Past titles include:
• Twelve Angry Pigs
• The Great Debate
For more information on this Humanities-rich, inter-generational, annual program, and to get involved, visit the Neighborhoods page.
Science Innovators: Scientists & Inventors (All Grade Levels)
Students discover the significance of selected giants of history and science through dramatic storytelling. Theatre terminology, infused with vocabulary words, is our common language as the instructors create and direct the students into short, richly textured scenes. Past innovators include:
• Goodyear
• Thomas
• Curie
• Franklin
The Moebius Project (Grades 4-12)
Using selections from Shakespeare’s works as a catalyst, students create original works based on Shakespeare’s themes. Through the design and rehearsal process, students also explore connections between theatre and math, science, and social studies.
Custom Residency Programs
Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us and tell us what you want in a custom program. We have created custom-designed programs to meet the objectives of many schools. Let us create a custom residency program for you!
"I really enjoy working with Becca. The lessons are well planned and engaging. The integration between academics and drama are evident. So far I am quite pleased. I look forward to continuing to work with Becca throughout the rest of the residency." -Marly Parker, Drama/Literacy Specialist, Rotella Interdistrict Magnet School
"I love this workshop. It’s so well crafted. I love the way one of you talks to the class and another works with students. You worked with such diverse populations today and were able to engage them all." –Teacher, Harrison, NY
Love our interactive workshops, but need something more specialized? We can create custom workshops. Some examples are listed below.
Show-Specific Workshops (All Grade Levels)
Utilizing the same interactive style as our Shakespeare Interactive Workshops, these workshops introduce Shakespeare and the tools he used looking particularly at a single play. Past Show-Specific Workshops include:
• Romeo & Juliet
• The Taming of the Shrew
• A Midsummer Night’s Dream
• Othello
• Macbeth
Improvisation Workshop (Grades 5-12)
Improvisation and its basic rules are introduced as students are led through many classic improv games.
Stage Combat Workshop (Grades 5-12)
This workshop explores scenes from Shakespeare that feature conflict. From the opening brawl of Romeo and Juliet to comedic moments from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the many ways Shakespeare utilized stage combat and its dramatic purpose is explored.
Audition Workshop (Grades 5-12)
Part seminar and part master class, this workshop empowers student actors from all levels of experience to approach the audition process with more confidence.
Custom Workshop
Don’t see what you are looking for? Give us a call, and we can create a workshop that meets your specific goals.
• Stresses a rigorous and disciplined work ethic and motivates attendance
• Addresses all questions, comments and ideas by borrowing the improvisational concept of “yes…and…” to create an affirmative environment
• Employs many art forms and Shakesperience Elements in all rehearsals and curriculum to address a range of learning styles
• Provides opportunities for the individual's strengths to be developed and displayed
• Fosters community pride and a sense of accomplishment with a final performance
• Introduces theatre as a positive means of self-expression and self-discovery
• Focuses on developing action and character through text analysis, personal experience, sensory recall and psychological realism
• Strengthens public speaking skills and reinforces teamwork
• Integrates a broad curriculum base and instills a love of learning and an appreciation for creative curiosity